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Moving video: Blind mother sees her baby for the very first time

Photo: YouTube / Yvonne Felix

New electronic glasses lets blind mother see her baby

Kathy Beitz has been blind since childhood. New electronic glasses now enabled her to see her newborn son for the first time.

This incredible and hard-to-describe moment shortly after birth, when a mother can hold her baby for the first time and look right - it would have been almost impossible for Kathy Beitz to experience it. The reason: The new mother has been blind since childhood.

But even without the ability to see, Kathy has built a happy and content life in recent years. She made a career and got to know her husband, with whom she now founds her own little family. When the birth of her first child - a little boy - was imminent, Kathy had long since grown accustomed to her blindness. Nevertheless, there was a very big wish, which the young woman, only too happy to fulfill: It was her dream to see her son with his own eyes after his birth.

But how should this be? How could a blind woman see her son? The answer was provided by modern technology. The eSight Corporation lent Kathy Beitz a newly developed electronic eyewear called eSight for her little son's birthday. The wish of the happy mother was fulfilled: she could see her little sweet son with her own eyes on the day of his birth.

Blind mother sees son for the first time : Also blind sister records video

Her equally blind sister Yvonne Felix, who also uses eSight glasses, shot a video of her deeply moved sister . In this we see a Kathy, who can hardly believe how great her son looks - a deeply moving moment. Kathy herself says in the video below:

The sister of the overjoyed mother is now working to ensure that Kathy Beitz can watch her son grow up as well. Because using the eSight glasses could be a once in a lifetime experience for Kathy if you can not afford the $ 15, 000 needed to buy your own electronic goggles.

In order to raise money for her sister and other blind people, Yvonne Felix has launched the project #MakeBlindnessHistory. Interested parties can not only find out about the new eSight technology on the homepage, but also submit helpful donations.
