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Emma Watson was considered lesbian

Many reporters suddenly considered Emma Watson lesbian!

Emma Watson

According to the cliché, men like to like long manes! Still, why not try something different? That's just what Emma Watson thought and cut off her "Hermione mat" in the last year after the "Harry Potter" shooting. In an interview with the "Independent" revealed now, which rumors came to her after the stark type change. Emma Watson listens to their own instinctsA type change does not mean that you suddenly no longer on "types" is! Nevertheless, Emma wanted to accuse some journalists, her short hair means a "coming out". Emma Watson told the "Independent": The new haircut showed me how subjective the evaluation of the people is. Some people thought it was great, others doubted my sexuality. But I can only listen to my own instincts in such a thing. "Right, Emma! The fashion world loves your short hair and so do we! JF
