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Anja Kling: Separation after 25 years of love

The love-out for Anja Kling came after 25 years.
Photo: Getty Images

Together they fled the GDR - now everything is over

The love lasted for half an eternity. For 25 years, Anja Kling (42) and her Jens were a couple, but now the end. He moved out of the common house in Potsdam. A tabloid newspaper Anja Kling confirmed the separation .

Her mother Margarita (68) told the "BILD": "We did not do a big thing out of it, it's an intimate thing that makes my daughter special with herself." Important: The kids are fine. no fight. " For a year now, the couple should go their separate ways. You needed a change.

At the age of 16, Anja Kling met her Jens (then 18). Together they fled the GDR in 1989, came back to Berlin after the fall of the Berlin Wall. They fought their way through and can look back on a great love.

The two have two children: Tano (11) and Alea (8). For them, they will find a way to make them happy as a family in the future. And who knows? Maybe love needs only a little rest cure ...
