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10 signs that you will become your mother

Are you slowly going to see your mother?
Photo: iStock

Do you recognize your mother in you?

The older we get, the more we suddenly resemble our own mother. Even if we do not have children ourselves, we often catch ourselves playing Mama for our partner!

Mother is the epitome of caring. In the past, our parents' excessive care sometimes annoyed us. But today we know that our mom always wanted only the best for us. We can not only understand some behaviors too well now - we also find them in ourselves. These 10 characters indicate that you are slowly but surely becoming a mom, with or without children! Do you feel caught?

1. You pay attention to a healthy diet

... and not only with you. Even if your partner prefers a frozen pizza to the vegetable pan, you are worried about his health.

2. You like to cook and bake

Cooking and baking is simply a hobby. But now you do not do this for yourself anymore, but preferably for others. Nothing is more fun than baking your partner's favorite cake and giving it a treat.

3. You take care of everyone

You are only satisfied when everyone else is happy. In the circle of friends, you are the grief box and have an open ear for everyone. Your loved one's problems are as important to you as your own.

4. You play a nurse

If your partner is ill, you feel it. Like your mother used to do to you, now you are doing everything to make your loved one feel better soon. It is cooked chicken soup and used handkerchiefs are suddenly no longer disgusting. Moms are the most caring people in the world.

5. You worry about his clothes

"Are you dressed too thick enough? Not that you catch a cold! "- This phrase sounds familiar to you? You're clearly becoming your mother when you're worried about your partner's clothes. Not only that this does not freeze, even that the pants are not dirty, is on your mind.

6. Clutter drives you crazy

You used to hate it when your mother tidied your room. Genius masters chaos, that was your motto. Today you get nervous when your partner leaves his clothes everywhere. What is when visitor comes?

7. You have the constant need to ventilate

"It matters here!" - the standard sentence of your mother. Suddenly you are also concerned about mold, humidity - and the smell of your apartment.

8. You are always worried

"Is the coffee machine off?" This thought keeps you on the way to work until you turn back to look. You are now responsible for your own life - and worry as much as your mother used to. It is not just about the household, but also about people who are important to you. Suddenly you are annoying your own mother with your caring!

9. You want a safe way home

"Come home well and drive carefully!" This sentence has escaped you once before? Suddenly you worry about your loved ones traveling safely.

10. You put other needs over yours

Mothers are true heroines. They do everything they can to make their family happy - often putting their own needs in the background. That goes without saying for her. All these behaviors are not just a sign that you are like your mother, they are a sign of love . And let's face it, we would do anything to become such a great mother as our own!


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