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How trends are created

Upheaval: the Arab Spring. Disaster: the meltdown in the nuclear power plant Fukushima. Protests: the "Occupy Wall Street" movement.
Photo: Getty Images

Trends 2012: Why all designers agree on what we want to wear

How it all comes down to similar colors, patterns and cuts. And why 2012 is so happy about fashion. We say how trends emerge

Our economic and political situation always has an impact on fashion. So there is the phenomenon that skirts become longer or shorter depending on economic growth. In the German economic miracle of the fifties kneel-free skirts were in, in the recession (eg 1993) the trend was towards calf-length models. If we look at the years 2010 and 2011, they were marked by political upheavals (Arab Spring), devastating natural disasters, the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, the euro crisis and the world-wide "Occupy" protests against policies that are too economi- cal and bank friendly. What does that mean for fashion trends 2012? Fashion does not reflect the revolutions, the financial insecurity, the fear of uncontrollable technologies. It is influenced by the longings and desires that are triggered in difficult times in us humans.

We long for security, for attention - in simple terms: we want to be hugged. The big wide world, it no longer irritates us, because Fukushima has z. For example, we show how close threatening things can come to us from this big wide world. We long for the homely, for the familiar, for a healthy, controllable environment.

As a result of this longing, "homing" is booming. Homing means that the home becomes a social center of life. Make yourself at home in your own four walls, drape extra cushions (preferably made of cuddly fabric ) on the sofa, light candles. Build a safe cave, so to speak. And he likes to work on his homeland: go on holiday in Germany, read regional crime novels, listen to German music. Especially in the culture reflect our longings. So it's not surprising that in 2012 several fairy tales will be released as adult films. Fairy tales were part of our childhood. And when did we feel more protected and beloved than as a child?

Before the designers get down to work to bring the new trendy pieces to the shops, they buy the fabrics for them - at the Pitti Filati yarn fair in Florence, the fabric fair Unica (Milan), the Munich Fabric Start (Munich ) and the Première Vision (Paris). What was offered for sale for the new collections in 2012 reflects what is currently happening in the world and what desires people have. There were textiles printed with cars (= loan to the childhood) and lots of floral fabrics (= home). In addition, pastel colors, orange, red and blue dominated. What that means? Please read on!

How trends are created : 5. The trends 2012

What you see here are probably the happiest spring / summer trends for a long time. This is mainly due to the colors we have presented to Professor Axel Venn, an expert in color design. Says, "The trend is toward tones that are unclouded, of great purity, clean, bright, aesthetic, meaning that there are no brown, mud, or gray parts in it that stand for earthiness and cloudiness, but clear ones Colors: on the one hand pastel shades like delicate yellow or lavender, but also strong colors like dark blue, white, red and orange, all have similar, sentimental basic meanings of beautiful, sympathetic, harmonious, lively, healthy and cheerful. " Well, people say "clothes make people", and indeed, choosing our outfit - and especially the colors we wear - affects our impact on others. The amazing thing is that all the trend colors of this year are aimed only at one effect: "They are very sympathetic to humans and also make it easier for those who wear them, " explains Professor Venn. The designers help us with their new fashion to satisfy our unconscious desire for love and closeness. By making us feel more sympathetic through the pure colors, other people respond more kindly to us, more towards us.

But not only by the colors, also by the 2012 trendy floral prints, the fashion designers fulfill our desires. Because the more turbulent the times, the more attention we want. Each of us knows this: we buy ourselves a beautiful bouquet of flowers to do us something good. We give away flowers to say something nice to others - "Thank you" maybe, or "I love you!" We love to let flowers talk, they are "communication tools" according to Professor Venn.

And: printed on dresses, skirts or blouses they also affect our effect. Professor Venn: "Flowers are soft, round and brushable, and as garments they suggest similar sensations as the original." Nice colors, friendly flowers: Fashion 2012 makes it easier than ever to be liked by others. One thing is strange though: Rock length as an indicator of economic growth does not work this season. As you can see on the pictures on the left, there are super-short dresses, but also calf-length skirts. Too uncertain are the times.

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