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How Aldi now finally ensures that prices fall everywhere

The next time you have to decide where to shop, you should know this
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"All are brushed on riot" - price war of supermarkets

With ever lower prices and new offers, the supermarkets are trying to win you over as a customer. Aldi's latest plans are moving even further where to go shopping

If you go shopping, you may already have noticed: Certain branded products are barely cheaper than a few weeks ago. Noticeable, for example, Lenor softener and tampons. This reports the Bild newspaper - and she also went in search of the reasons.

According to expert Denise Klug, who interviewed Bild, this is primarily due to the everlasting customer battle between Aldi and Lidl. "The conflict between Aldi and Lidl is intensifying because Aldi now offers more and more branded products, " she says. Branded products such as Haribo, Cola or even Lenor and whether there was only a long time to buy at Lidl. Aldi stood not for branded products, but for low prices with good quality. Lidl will not put up with the fact that Aldi is poaching in the traditional brand area - the result is the price war between the two discounters.

But not only Lidl is watching exactly what Aldi puts on the shelf and at what price. Of course, especially the classic supermarkets like Rewe and Edeka are affected. At least a part of their customers came and come here mainly because of the offer of branded products. The expert Denise Kluge assumes that the fight for the customer is therefore far from over. Because Aldi will take their prognosis after more and more branded products in the range.

So it may well be that even more prices fall. Customers do not want to give up without a fight. Kling: "Everyone is brushing on riot."

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