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Video: Incredible birth! These twins are separated for 39 days

A miracle: twin birth lasts 39 days.
Photo: istock

Twins are born separately

It's a sensation: These twins are born with an age difference of 39 days. Did the two guys survive the miracle? See the touching moment.

Twins are the same age. They separate minutes, at most hours from each other. Cart and David are not. These two are a sensation: they come into the world 39 days apart .

It's a miracle that the two guys are still alive. Elene Cowan is pregnant with twins. The risk is higher than with a normal birth . Not infrequently, twin children are born too soon. A few days, maybe even a few weeks. Elena Cowan is in her 23rd week when labor is on. Any attempt to delay the birth fails. In the 24th week sees the little Carl the light of day, with 500 g weight: a sensation.

In order to secure the life of the unborn David, the doctors sew the cervix Cowans and prescribe her absolute bed rest . The hope: low. About a month later, the young woman is in labor again. Her second son is born. With a weight of 1300 g still too light, but twice as heavy as his 39-day older twin brother.

Carl and David: An unbelievably great story of two brothers, which brings them even closer together.
