Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Valentine's Day: heart pockets

  • Wrapping paper in pink
  • Ribbon in matching colors (per bag about 2 x 10 cm)
  • Bastelfilz in violet
  • approximately

      2 hands full of moss (to fill the bag)
    • 1 small orchid tube (both available at the florist)
    • 1 large flowered rose
    • Glue stick (eg Pritt)
    • triangle ruler
    • pencil
    • scissors
    • Perforator

    1. Cut out of the wrapping paper a rectangle in the size of approx. 14 x 22 cm and stick together the two narrower sides slightly overlapping, so that a kind of hose is created.

    2. Kick one of the open sides approx. 2 cm to the back. Turn over again and fold both corners up to the fold. Turn the corners over again, open the bag from below and place the corners inwards. Knock the fold edge once more in the middle and glue it overlapping.

    3. Attach two holes at the upper edge for the later carrying loops of the bag with the punch. Pull a piece of loop tape with the ends from the outside through the holes and fix them in the bag by a knot, so that two carrying straps are formed.

    4. Cut out of the felt a heart (about 9 cm high) and stick it in the middle of the front of the bag. Dump bag with moss and put water-filled orchid tube with the rose in the middle. Bags provided with paper tags as desired.
