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These stars came to the dog

Stars and their pets

The dog is the best friend of man - the stars also know that. Whether Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton or Rachel Bilson, they have all discovered their hearts for barking four-legged friends.

Photo: If
We have even more animal stars and their prominent owners.

Hollywood has come to the dogs: More and more stars put on a four-legged companion. Whether large or in handbag format, with a long or short coat - as far as the dog breed is concerned, the preferences of the celebrities are very different.

You can see the stars and their four-legged friends in the gallery (19 pictures).

At the side of their new celebrity, the animal friends then live a true luxury life - with diamond necklaces, designer clothing and visits to the dog hairdresser. But some stars drive it with their love of animals a bit too far and lead their dog rather than on a leash rather in the designer handbag.

Paris Hilton loves dogs in handbag format

First and foremost the lapdog queen Paris Hilton. The it-girl brought the portable dogs into fashion and actually always carries around one or two mini-housewives. But there are also celebs like Eva Mendes or Selma Blair, who lead their dogs themselves - and even ungestylt.

Also with Miley Cyrus the doggie does not have to run itself, but may take place on Frauchens arm. And actress Rachel Bilson loves her dog Thurman Murman so much that she carries it on his hands despite his considerable size.

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