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Taylor Swift avoids certain phone calls when drunk

Taylor Swift ponders over famous numbers in her phone

Taylor Swift / ©

It's hard to imagine, but supposedly clean maid Taylor Swift likes to get over her thirst and then gets tempted to start calls that she would regret the next day. In a recent interview, the singer, whose new album "Red" just appeared, which is why she leaves her cell phone at home for safety reasons, when she goes to drink. However, the most famous number in her phone and biggest risk for tipsy voting is not Jake Gyllenhaal, John Mayer or one of the other guys who broke her heart. In an interview with The Sun, she admitted, "Gywneth Paltrow is [the most famous person on my phone]. But that means I have a strict rule: I do not take my phone with me when I'm drinking! "Taylor Swift prefers to talk about boys drinking. Next, she revealed what she talks to her friends in a wet and happy mood. "I have friends from all walks of life - people who are at school, actresses, singers. We do not talk about the work. You'd think we'll meet and discuss the stress of fame, but in reality we're just talking about boys like all the other girls. We do not go through the mutual scripts or compare set-listings. "Maybe they at least exchange the phone numbers of famous guys? SE

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