- The big knick-special in the Tina
- Material:
- Knitting instructions for cute teddy
The big knick-special in the Tina
Children are happy about this cute little teddy bear for Christmas and birthday. Just follow this knitting pattern.
- Schachenmayr SMC Aventica, 100 g in Orion ColorFb 00080
- Needle Game by Mailward No. 4 - 4, 5
- 1 knitting needle
- fiberfill
- Leftovers black yarn
Smooth right:
Knit all stitches to the right in rounds
Double 1 stitch:
1 st on right, 1 st on right, knit out 1 st in preliminary round
Knitting tension:
With needles No. 4 - 4.5 smooth right: 23 M and 34 R = 10 x 10 cm
Knitting instructions for cute teddy
Basic Instructions:
The legs, arms and body are knit from top to bottom, the head from bottom to top in rounds right to the right. Place the lap transition in the middle of each. Distribute the indicated stitches evenly on 4 needles of needleless and close each row.
Cast on 16 sts, knit stockinette st. After 5 cm from the stop, double the 1st and last sts of the following round = 18 stitches After 10 cm from the last stop, double the 1st and last stitch of the next round = 20 stitches. After 15 cm from the stop knit 2 stitches on the right = 10 stitches. Then knit 2 stitches on the right side in the 2nd round = 5 stitches. Cut the thread and pull the remaining stitches together. Knit the second leg as well.
Cast on 10 stitches, spread the stitches on 4 needles of needles = 2-3-3-2 stitches per needle, knit stockinette st. After 5 cm from stop the 1st and last stitch of the following. Double round = 12 stitches. After 10 cm from the stop, double the 1st and last stitch of the following round = 14 stitches. Knit 2 stitches to the right after 14 cm from the piece = 7 stitches. Then knit 2 stitches on the right in the second round, the last stitch on the right = 4 stitches. Cut the thread and pull the remaining stitches together. Knitt the second arm as well.
Cast on 24 sts, knit stockinette st. After 3 cm from the stop increase as follows: * double 1 st, 2 stitches on the right, repeat from = repeat = 32 stitches. After 5 cm from the stop, increase as follows: * Double 1 st, 3 sts on right, repeat from * = 40 sts.
After 7 cm from the stop, increase as follows: * Double 1 stitch, 4 stitches on the right, repeat from * = 48 stitches.
After 9 cm from the stop, increase as follows: * Double 1 st, 5 stitches on the right, repeat from * = 56 sts. After 12 cm from the stop knit 2 stitches on the right, knit 2 stitches on the right = 42 stitches. Then knit 2 stitches on the right side in the second round, knit 1 stitch on the right = 28 stitches. In the 2nd following. Bind off all round stitches.
Cast on 16 stitches, knit stockinette st. In the first round doubling all sts = 32 stitches. 2. Knit rounds to the right. 3rd round: * Double the 1 stitch, double the 2 stitches to the right, double the 1 stitch, repeat from * = 48 stitches. 4. Knit rounds to the right. 5th rounds: * double 1 sts, 4 stitches to the right, double 1 st, repeat from * = 64 stitches. Continue right smooth. After 4.5 cm from the stop after the 23rd and the 41st st place 1 colored marker for each eye. In the next round knit 2 stitches on the right, 6 stitches on the right = 56 stitches. Knit 3 turns smooth right. In the next round knit 2 stitches on the right, 5 stitches on the right = 48 stitches. Knit 3 turns smooth right. On the next round knit 2 stitches on the right, 4 stitches on the right = 40 stitches. Knit 1 round smooth right. In the next round knit 2 stitches on the right, 3 stitches on the right = 32 stitches. Knit 1 round smooth right. In the next round knit 2 stitches on the right, 2 stitches on the right = 24 stitches. In the next round knit 2 stitches on the right, 1 stitch on the right = 16 stitches. In the following. Knit 2 stitches together on the right = 8 sts. Cut the thread and pull the remaining stitches together.
Cast on 12 sts, knit stockinette st. In the 1st round take turns 1 stitch on the right, double 1 stitch = 18 stitches. After 2 cm from the stop turn 1 stitch on the right, knit 2 stitches on the right = 12 stitches. On the 2nd following round knit 2 stitches on the right = 6 stitches. Cut the thread and pull the remaining stitches together. Knit the second ear as well.
Fill each of the legs, arms and tail with cotton wool and close the upper openings. Center the edge of the body and mark the front center of the body. Place the legs to the right and left of this mark and attach them to the body along the edge of the edge, keeping the legs slightly in place.
Turn the body to the left so that the legs look out through the neck opening. Sew up the edge of the body while at the same time firmly sewing in the legs. Turn the body over again and stuff it with cotton wool. Line up the neckline with pre-stitches, tighten to about 2 cm in diameter. Grease the head with cotton wool. Pierce with the needle and embroidery thread through the opening on the neck and cut out at the mark for one of the two eyes. The needle 1 M away from the Ausstichstelle again and cut out at the neck. Knot the thread ends, tighten them slightly to create a slight depression on the marking for the eye. Same procedure with the other eye. If necessary, top up the filling cotton.
Line up the raised edge of the head with stitches, shrink to about 2 cm in diameter. Sew the head and body together at the neck and stuff the neck with a little extra cotton wool just before closing. Sew on one arm approx. 1 cm below the neck on the body. Sew up the stop edge of the ears. Sew on the ears slightly rounded on the head. Embroider nostrils, mouth and eyes with flat and stem stitches with black yarn according to the model picture.
You can find the template as PDF for download here!
Further instructions can be found in the book: Dog, Cat, Mouse: 36 knitted cuddly toys and hand puppets by Knaur and at www.cats-and-hats.de