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Stefanie Hertel: Oh no, she talks about career end!

Stefanie Hertel still sings live in front of an audience. But how long?
Photo: Getty Images

Shock for all fans

Stefanie Hertel (33) has been on stage since she was four years old. Her audience was enraptured when she sang in a bell-clear voice "Over every Bacherl goes a Brückerl".

Now - as adults - Stefanie Hertel rebels. First she got more and more permissive and now she stands publicly against her colleagues. She even threatens to throw her career off!

On her website, Stefanie is annoyed that there are hardly any live music left in TV shows or touring. She writes: "At concerts, I've been fighting for years for performing live with my band. This is becoming more and more a cost problem. The organizers do not want to pay any more. "

She also complains: "There are now concerts where everything comes off the tape." And explains the reason: "The technology costs money and the sample takes time."

That's true. A few years ago, the hit stars still performed with big bands, but these times are long gone. Stefanie Hertel sounds almost defiant: "If that becomes normal, I no longer feel like being a musician."

Now her fans are worried: Will her star soon end his career ? Waiting to see how serious these threats are ...

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