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Sleep habits in the country check

This is how Europeans, Americans and Asians sleep

We all need sleep! But the international sleeping habits are fundamentally different.

Sleep habits in the country check
Photo: Thinkstock
The National Sleep Foundation has a look into the bedrooms of Europeans, Americans and Asians thrown and reveals, among other things, who likes to wear socks in bed.

Other countries other manners. This does not only apply to religion, culinary art and manners. The bedroom does not seem to have any international standards either, according to the National Sleep Foundation's International Bedroom Poll in September 2013. Who sleeps for how long and how many pillows? And with whom is the pet allowed to go to bed? We examined the survey and reveal the typical sleeping habits of Europeans, Americans and Asians.

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The sleep study surveyed 250 men and women from Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, Mexico and Canada, as well as 251 Americans. It revealed surprising facts and interesting preferences. For example, 73 percent of Mexicans have the scent of lavender in their bedroom. In contrast, most Americans and Britons prefer to smell of jasmine.

International sleeping habits

In German bedrooms fresh air is announced instead. Only in this country, all subjects responded without exception, that they ventilate their bedroom well at least once a week. In contrast, in 30 percent of Americans the bedroom windows do not even open every three weeks. More curious sleep facts from Europe, Asia and America reveals the gallery.

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