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Masturbating woman rams fish truck

The woman was too busy with her vibrator.
Photo: iStock

Vibrator in the car: woman rams truck

Yes, it's true: masturbating can be dangerous - at least when you're at the wheel of a car! This woman has rammed a fish truck in her ecstasy.

When a woman gets her sex toy out, she usually does it in a private, quiet place. She wants to be undisturbed and concentrate on nothing else. This woman, however, has a very different preference.

She masturbates - obviously - in her car . Everyone likes it, except that this woman is not a co-driver, but actually drives! With that, she has probably pushed up the statistics for accidents in masturbation. Her own climax came to an abrupt end.

In ecstasy, the driver was briefly distracted - probably by the vibrator in her lap - and turned her eyes away from the road. She probably would not have done that because at that very moment the masturbating woman rammed a fish truck.

Nobody was injured in the accident. The question of guilt is fortunately clarified. After the driver of the truck initially worried about losing his job because of the accident, his boss was able to reassure him in a few words: "Did you see the video?"

Yes, as if it were not enough to masturbate while driving and also cause an accident, no, the small pleasure of the driver was also filmed. Lucky for the driver, because after the masturbating woman could be identified on the video of the truck camera, the cause of the accident was beyond doubt.

Maybe that was exactly the charm the rider was looking for. Because in fact she had hidden everything but in her mini. For her next climax, the young woman should still choose a quieter place - and rather leave the vibrator at home.

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