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Gastrointestinal influenza stomach intestine in the summer: After the heat comes the diarrhea

A pasta salad that has stood in the heat, unfamiliar food on vacation or travel sickness - what you can do to prevent diarrhea, heartburn and constipation.

Photo: Fotolia
  1. Summer Enemy Number One: Bacteria
  2. Beware of icing
  3. Gastrointestinal Influenza or Food Poisoning?
  4. Avoid fruits and vegetables
  5. Abdominal massage for abdominal pain
  6. Milk acid bacteria in diarrhea
  7. Globuli help with gastrointestinal complaints
  8. Ginger water at Reiseöbelkeit
  9. Turmeric for irritable bowel
  10. Prevent gastrointestinal influenza with sharp spice
  11. Herbal mixture for heartburn
  12. Constipation - what to do?

A pasta salad that has stood in the heat, unusual food on holiday, travel stress - now in the summer it comes more often to gastrointestinal discomfort such as diarrhea, heartburn or constipation. Our lexicon gives you helpful information on the most important keywords, saying succinctly what you should look out for and what will help the quickest.

Summer Enemy Number One: Bacteria

25 degrees, no breeze blows - bacteria multiply rapidly in the food. Salmonella are the best known, Staphylococcus aureus another species. Best food protection: careful hygiene and cooling. At breakfast on the terrace serve sausage and cheese on cold plates and put everything back into the fridge as fast as possible. Avoid meals containing raw eggs (eg mayonnaise, tiramisu).

Beware of ice-cooled

In southern countries, the water is often germinated. Avoid ice cubes and ice cream - otherwise diarrhea threatens. Only brush teeth with industrially packaged water. With tap water helps if necessary, also boiling.

Gastrointestinal Influenza or Food Poisoning?

Flu symptoms in the summer are often due to food poisoning. The toxins produced by bacteria trigger the disease symptoms - vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, dizziness or circulatory problems. Important: rest and drink lots and lots of water.

Avoid fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruit and freshly squeezed juices in holiday countries harbor dangers. The rule is: "Cook it, peel it or forget it". Also fresh salads should be avoided.

Abdominal massage for abdominal pain

When it rumbles or pulls inside: Lie down, breathe relaxed and circle the navel clockwise with your hands flat. First narrower, then further, then again closer. Without pressure, for about five minutes. Alternative or supportive: take anticonvulsant (eg "Buscopan", pharmacy).

Lactic acid bacteria in diarrhea

Every third tourist gets caught. Viruses or bacteria (eg E. coli) attach themselves to the intestinal mucosa. It can not absorb enough water, the stool gets thin. After three days, the body usually gets rid of the pathogens - but it is weakened. Therefore act quickly: agents with lactic acid bacteria bring the intestine quickly into balance (eg "Lacteol", pharmacy). A mix of 1 liter of herbal tea, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar replaces lost electrolytes. These home remedies also help with diarrhea.

Globuli help with gastrointestinal complaints

Before in the hotel everything was fine, but when strolling through the evening beach promenade you suddenly feel sick? Well, if you now have Nux vomica D6 as Globuli or drops (pharmacy) at hand.

The classic from homeopathy relieves nausea and indigestion. Take three globules or three drops every half hour, eg. B. with water or directly on the tongue. A total of three to four times.

Ginger water at Reiseübelkeit

Extracts of the Asian medicinal tuber are a great remedy for travel sickness. Highly concentrated ginger drops (eg "GingerPure", pharmacy) are especially handy when traveling.

Add 60 drops to a bottle of water and drink it one to two hours before you travel. If the mixture is too spicy, it can also add some apple juice. This softens the sharpness.

Turmeric for irritable bowel

Patients with irritable bowels often experience a worsening of their condition during their holiday. Guilt is the foreign food and the fat. Capsules with turmeric extract prevent. The Indian medicinal plant stimulates bile flow and fat digestion and positively influences the natural intestinal movement (eg "Curcu-Truw", pharmacy).

Prevent gastrointestinal flu with spicy spices

Chili or curry mixes also have an antibacterial effect. This can help to prevent diseases. Those who tolerate it from the stomach lining should eat spicy spicy while traveling.

Herbal mixture for heartburn

Grilled sausages or potato salad are not only heavy in the stomach - many also react with acid regurgitation. If there was something hearty, herbal mixtures clean up the stomach and relieve heartburn (eg "Iberogast", pharmacy). What else helps with heartburn.

Constipation - what to do?

Leisure stress, time difference when flying - this stops the digestion. Do not be afraid of laxatives. They help gently and safely (eg "Dulcolax", pharmacy). How to stimulate your digestion.
