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Helmut Kohl: Heart surgery! The silent drama about the old chancellor

Old Chancellor Helmut Kohl with his wife Maike Kohl-Richter.
Photo: Getty Images
  1. More and more details seep through: Kohl is really bad
  2. The hardships are Helmut Kohl view
  3. I hope he has enough time left

More and more details seep through: Kohl is really bad

How much power must have cost him this appearance! It was Helmut Kohl at the ceremony in Bonn to see that it is not good for him.

But his friends and companions, who now honored the formerly so energetic politician as "chancellor of unity", did not show the shock of the fragility of the 82-year-old. Her applause was like balm for his sick heart.

Only his closest confidants knew how ill the former chancellor really is. For the recent drama about "the largest living historical figure in the Federal Republic" has hitherto been concealed: Helmut Kohl had to undergo a complicated heart surgery, as we learned exclusively.

But whoever we interviewed in his environment - we encountered a wall of silence.

The hardships are Helmut Kohl view

It was the request to his Berlin Bundestag office that brought clarity: "In fact, Federal Chancellor a. D. Dr. Helmut Kohl has been very withdrawn in recent weeks. The reason was that he was very poor health because of a cardiological problem. He then underwent cardiac surgery in February. He was successfully used a new heart valve and a pacemaker, "Office Manager Marion Scheller told us.

The hardships of the procedure are to be clearly noted. Kohl connoisseur Heribert Schwan revealed to us that the physically very stressful operation forced Kohl "into rehab".

In addition, it was noticed in Bonn that the honore himself made no speech, almost spoke no word. Heribert Schwan: "His ability to speak should be considerably reduced."

Now it became known: The former chancellor has been treated since his heavy fall in 2008 even with speech therapy. Kohl suffered a craniocerebral trauma.

I hope he has enough time left

The man of the big words - he can barely communicate. How tragic! It might be time for him to say something important. Words of reconciliation, words of love.

For example, to his sons Walter (49) and Peter (47). Kohl distanced himself from them years ago. The blame for that is borne by his second wife, dr. Maike Kohl-Richter (48), says Schwan. She also destroyed many cabbage friendships.

Son Walter Kohl to our question, why he was not in Bonn at his father's side: "Neither my brother nor I were invited to this or other events."

Officially, it is said from the Bundestag office, Dr. Ing. Kohl had "recovered very well" from the operation. He looks forward to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of his election as Federal Chancellor, is working on two books.

The photos speak a different language. Hopefully Helmut Kohl still has time to bring everything to a happy ending. Really everything.

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