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Crown Princess Maxima: Is she crying for her marriage?

Past happiness? Willem-Alexander with his 5 wives - Maxima, Amalia (6 today), Ariane (2), Alexia (4) and Queen Beatrix. So far, the children allegedly suspect nothing of the problems of their parents.
Photo: Getty Images

All of Holland is in great concern

Crown Princess Maxima (38) dominates the royal appearance. Rarely that she loses control ...

Last week in Amsterdam: The Crown Princess visits an art exhibition. She smiles, chats, represents. But then, in a seemingly unobserved moment, she completely loses her composure (large photo). Is Maxima crying for her marital bliss?

"The mood at home in the Villa Eikenhorst is on the freezing point, " revealed the Dutch magazine "Story". Also the competing paper "Privé" reports disputes. Nobility expert Thomas Lepeltak literally: "I'm worried about the future. The combination Maxima / Willem-Alexander scares me. "

The main cause of the marriage crisis should be Maximas success. Ironically, she who is not royally educated, not prepared for the throne, is the most beloved member of the royal family. Clubs that have a patronage ask Maxima. Companies that need more attention abroad, they want. Even the World Cup should bring her to Holland, not Willem-Alexander.

The Crown Prince was basically between two strong women, are just them, the not royally educated, not prepared for the throne, is the most popular member of the royal family. Clubs that have a patronage ask Maxima. Companies that need more attention abroad, they want. Even the World Cup should bring her to Holland, not Willem-Alexander.

The crown prince was basically advised between two strong women, royal family in Lech were canceled for February. The court officially announced that Willem-Alexander (42) will instead travel to Canada for the Olympic Games for three weeks ...

Maxima's Tears in Amsterdam, the city where she became the Crown Prince's wife seven years ago - what is the height of the tragedy behind it?
