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Diseases: White-swollen disease

Definition, causes and course of disease

White swine disease describes whitish blotches in the mouth. If we injure ourselves while chewing or if dentures cause irritation, nature has taken precautions: The cells of the oral mucosa are renewed particularly quickly, so that wounds heal quickly. But there are other problems that can affect the mucous membrane, for example the so-called white swollen disease. It is a cornification disorder. The patches are initially no complaints and are often discovered by chance during dental procedures. But as these changes can trigger cancer, they definitely need to be removed. The whitish spots in the mouth are mainly due to smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Lack of oral hygiene and constant irritation such as cheek chewing or a poorly fitting prosthesis can cause them. It is also possible that they are caused by the inhalation of harmful chemicals. The mostly painless white calluses can not be wiped off. They are smooth and clearly limited and are sometimes found in the throat or in the genitals except for the tongue and oral mucosa. In advanced stages, they can become warty, rough and reddish.


There is the possibility to remove the white calluses by heat treatment, laser or icing. The intervention may only be performed by a doctor.

Prevention and self-help

To prevent white swine disease, nicotine and alcohol should definitely be avoided since these are common causes of white calluses. If the white swelling disease is already present, you should quit smoking immediately, otherwise the disease can break out again. It is also important to pay attention to oral hygiene. Prostheses must be checked regularly by a specialist. The early removal of the white calluses by heat treatment, laser or icing prevents their degeneration into malignant tumors.
