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Waste separation: To avoid frequent garbage mistakes

Here the most important questions about waste separation are answered.
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Tips for waste separation

Do used paper towels belong in the waste paper and what is allowed in the glass container? With our tips you will save a lot of time in waste separation and do the environment a favor.

Do you sometimes walk away with garbage on suspicion in one or two barrels and not because you are really sure that it belongs there? Then you are exactly right here. We answer some of the most important questions around waste separation and put a stop to popular garbage mistakes.

Error 1: Used paper towels belong in the waste paper

Not at all! If kitchen rolls and handkerchiefs are used, they are a waste since they can not be recycled. The same applies to heavily soiled or dissolving cardboard.

Error 2: Throw colorful waste glass into the residual waste

Green, white, blue - there is a matching Altglascontainer for every color. But what about blue bottles? These are best disposed of in the green glass container. Incidentally, the same applies to all other colors and colorful bottles.

Error 3: Rinse the yogurt cup before throwing it away

Many have since gone over to rinse packages that belong in the yellow sack before throwing away extra. This is not necessary. On the other hand, yogurt cups and Co. should be disposed of spoon-free. Washing them out only costs time and water unnecessarily.

Error 4: Throw aluminum foil into the trash

Aluminum foil, as well as tin cans, bottle caps and screw caps should find their way into the yellow sack or bin.

Error 5: Dispose of all types of glass as waste glass

Mirror glass, crystal glass, broken drinking glasses and window glass have nothing to look for in the Altglascontainer. These are all separate types of glass that would contaminate the glass when melted and also have a different melting temperature than this. They therefore belong in the residual waste.

Error 6: Baking paper belongs to the waste paper

Although one may think so first, but since the baking paper is specially coated, it belongs in the yellow sack. Incidentally, the same applies to Tetra-Paks, which are made of cardboard, but also coated on the inside.

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