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Internet star Lena Meyer-Landrut

Lena Meyer-Landrut: Breakthrough on the Internet


Lena Meyer-Landrut

Since her victory in "Our Star for Oslo" Lena Meyer-Landrut is on the road to success. The media are now tearing themselves around Lena, while the casting show on TV was only moderately successful. Show-father Stefan Raab has certainly hoped for higher ratings. Not even the audience in the final came close to the quotas of "Germany seeks the superstar": 4.5 million viewers saw the USFO final, the day after nearly two million more switched to the DSDS motto show ein.Mittlerweile the data counting but more successful - on the Internet! In the download charts, Lena Meyer-Landrut broke records. Your Facebook fanbase recently crossed the 66, 000 mark. Lena is a star of the latest generation who tweets, blogs and posts. Not a TV star, but an Internet star. It's good that the loyal fan community can also stay in front of the PC at the Eurovision Song Contest: Last year there was a live stream of the show on the internet.
