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Sore throat: When should I go to the doctor?

Photo: elenaleonova / iStock

With these warning signs you should with your sore throat to the doctor!

Every one of us knows sore throat. Most of the time we associate them with the first signs of a cold. But beware: These warning signs could be more behind and you should go to the doctor!

There they are again: sore throat! Only a harmless infection? Sometimes something bad can be behind it. When do I have to go to the doctor for a sore throat?

Strep throat infections are usually harmless and can be controlled with simple home remedies.
Here are the 21 best home remedies for sore throats >>

But sometimes home remedies for sore throat are no longer enough:

For example, in severe inflammation! If the sore throat does not come from a cold, but from flu, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, or pharyngitis, you should definitely consult a doctor.

With these warning signs, you should consult a doctor for a sore throat:

  • When the sore throat is unusually violent and sudden .
  • As soon as purulent deposits develop in the neck or the tonsils are reddened and swollen .
  • When fever is over 39 degrees
  • When the neck is sensitive to pain when touched from the outside.
  • For heavily swollen lymph nodes .
  • If earache or breathing difficulties occur.
  • When abdominal pain and nausea are added.
  • If the sore throat is one-sided, it could be an abscess! Right to the doctor!
  • And even if you suffer from sore throat for more than three days, a doctor's visit is advisable.

