Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Egg cup with wings in silver

60 minutes

  • Wooden egg cup (craft shop)
  • Dressing milk for leaf metal (craft shop)
  • Leaf metal in silver (eg from Art Deco; craft shop)
  • cotton ball
  • Protective foil in silver (z.
      From Bringmann; Craft store)
    • Hot glue gun and hot glue
    • 2 brushes
    • scissors

    1. Brush the wooden egg cup with the laying milk. Overlay leaf metal with a dry brush and press down. Let dry. Polish egg cup with cotton wool.

    2. Cut the blades from stamping foil. Possibly. stamp in lines with a sharp object.

    3. Attach with hot glue to the back of the eggcup.
