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The perfect tea enjoyment: 11 tips

The longer a tea draws, the more concealing it looks.
Photo: iStock

Hot drinks

The lower the temperatures, the better we hold a hot cup of tea in our hands. Do you know how it is cooked perfectly? That's the best way to taste it.

1. Preferably paper filter

Each tea leaves a taste, so filter paper bags are a great alternative to cotton nets. Tea eggs are not as good as they are to narrow the tea leaves.

2. Make detox tea yourself

Purifies and tastes delicious: pour a fresh piece of ginger, a few sprigs of rosemary and a lemongrass stick with half a liter of boiling water and let it steep for ten minutes.

3. Fair Trade

Look for teas that carry the Fairtrade seal. In this way you support the support of better living and working conditions of the families in the countries of origin.

4. Soft water

Tea lovers appreciate soft water. What degree of hardness you have at home, you can find out from the local water supplier. If it is too hard, it may be worth buying a water filter for descaling.

5. Kitchen clock for the perfect time

In the first 2-3 minutes after infusion, the tea leaves give off their stimulating caffeine. Therefore, the longer the tea pulls, the more reassuring it works - even on the stomach and intestinal tract.

6. Remove tea edges

If black tea leaves unsightly stains, just add two teaspoons of baking powder to the jar, pour hot water on it and let it work for about an hour.

7. Store tea properly

Because tea quickly loses its aroma, it should always be kept dark, dry and cool in tightly closed cans.

8. Simmer chai tea

For centuries, the Indians appreciate the beneficial effects of spiced tea (drugstore). For optimal enjoyment, simmer in the open pot for one minute and then strain for 10 to 15 minutes.

9. For best aroma

Even if bags are clearly more suitable for everyday use: If you want to experience a more exclusive enjoyment, grab loose tea. The almost unbroken leaves are valued above all for their fine aroma and calculated on the gram they are even cheaper.

10. Trend Matcha tea

The frothy Japanese drink-maker contains much more antioxidants than other varieties. But beware: There are many products on the market that have been "stretched". At the bio-seal you recognize the origin and quality.

11. Kettle for ideal temperature

You do not need a thermometer for the perfect temperature measurement. It is sufficient if you let the tea water after boiling with the lid open for 5-10 minutes to cool.

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