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Editor'S Choice

That's why the Slimmy Jeans are your new favorite pants

Will the Slimmy Jeans trend now? This model is from Lee on, about 100 euros.
Photo: Manufacturer

Neither tight nor wide: is that the end of the skinny jeans?

Slimmy jeans - neither skin-tight nor wide, with a seat on the hip - sound at first unspectacular, but they are exceptionally flattering, versatile and suddenly everywhere. Is that the end for the permanent trend tube?

No matter how many fashion magazines have tried to declare the end of the skinny jeans in recent seasons, they remain. Blow, Bootcut, Marlene? Other cuts appear again and again, but the streetscape dominated the tube for almost 15 years now. Speaks for the tight jeans, above all, that they have the legs look much longer and leaves plenty of room for favorite shoes. And otherwise? Everything habituation thing. In 2015 another skinny jeans guy tries to run out of rank.

Brand new: the "Slimmy Jeans" - the perfect hybrid of cigarette pants and boyfriend denim. Even the British newspaper "The Guardian" already reports on the new jeans trend and describes that they are not mom jeans, Jodhpurhosen and they definitely have no hit. Much more, the Slimmy Jeans are a straight-leg pants, they leave enough space without even acting like a baggy in the neck.

Brands from Uniqlo to J Brand and Topshop already have the new silhouette in their product range. Even the jeans classic, the Levi's 501, is part of the Slimmy trend. But he was overhauled last fall, the pants were slimmer cut, now looks flattering than the vintage models. And the Guardin is sure: Soon everyone will wear them. According to the newspaper, this is "the type of pants that makes no statement and, at first glance, does not match any trend." However, thanks to the anti-trend Normcore, the no-label bias and the penchant for more minimalism, the Slimmy Jeans could be just the passport the fashion world has long wanted.

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