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Carli Davidsons 'Shake Puppies': Cute dog puppies shake each other

Photo: Carli Davidson

Shake it baby, shake it!

Not to look here is simply impossible. These cute puppies do not just twist their heads but ours in a jiffy.

It's not the first photo album by photographer Carli Davidson that focuses on shaking dogs. But it's the first band to show only cute dog puppies.

What Carli Davidson wants to achieve with her pictures? For one thing, she wants to make people laugh. The 32-year-old photographer would definitely be happy with these shots. At the sight of these cute dog babies must certainly smile people who would not otherwise call themselves true dog lovers.

However, the artist, who owns a dog herself, also has another intention with her animal pictures: "At the moment I want to tell interesting stories about the animals or people in our lives - in the hope that the people, the similarity, all Connecting creatures, recognizing them. "

In addition, Carli Davidson with her photo book not only points out how cute dog puppies can be - after all, that is probably already clear to most people, but also points out how many small dogs have no real home. They probably do not feel so good that they would shake themselves like their conspecifics in front of the camera.

For her book, Carli Davidson photographed nearly 100 small dog puppies . We have compiled some of these shots for you above. More pictures of cute dog puppies can be found in Carli Davidson's new photo book Shake Puppies (German title: Shake - Hundebabys shake).

Further impressions can be seen in the video below. Attention: You have to smile here.

SHAKE PUPPIES by Carli Davidson from Carli Davidson on Vimeo.
