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Cancer risk: Angelina Jolie removes ovaries

Their risk of developing ovarian cancer was 87 percent. That's why Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie made a decision: she had her ovaries removed .

Angelina Jolie has had her ovaries removed
Photo: Getty Images

Her mother, her grandma and an aunt died of cancer. The risk of developing cancer is abnormally high in Jolie's family genetically engineered. Then the shock. Jolie got a call from her doctor that showed a blood test signs of cancer . "I said to myself, keep calm, be strong - and that I have no reason to think that I would neither raise my children nor see my grandchildren, " wrote Jolie. The test result was negative. However, this strengthened Jolie's idea of ​​having his ovaries removed as a precautionary measure.

She had already had that done with her breasts. Because even the risk of breast cancer was high in the actress. She had her breasts amputated and has since lived on artificial breasts.

About the removal of her ovaries, the 39-year-old had been thinking for some time. However, this does not just mean a major surgery but also hormonal changes. "I will not be able to have any more children and go through physical changes, " wrote Jolie. With her husband Brad Pitt, the actress has three birth and three adopted children.

It is clear to her that she has made the right decision. Despite the removal of her ovaries, she feels feminine, said the 39-year-old. What matters to them is clear: "I know that my children never have to say 'Mom died of ovarian cancer'".

In medicine, it is often advised to remove organs - especially the uterus and ovaries - as a precaution. This reduces the risk of a malignant change in the organ. Well over 130, 000 women are removed every year due to blood tests or benign tumors of the uterus. In contrast, there are many critics who consider these interventions to be premature.

If you are affected, get comprehensive information and seek the advice of several doctors. Often the attitude of the doctor is crucial for an operation. If he believes that removing the organ solves all problems, it will be removed sooner.

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