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Jürgen Milski: Insider tip for the marriage

Jürgen Milski in an interview.
Photo: Imago / Future Image

He tells us his secrets

In show number five, the current season of "Let's Dance" ended for the Rhinelander Jürgen Milski (49). "Too bad it's over, " he says. Fortunately, he has someone at home who nurses him - Marion, whom the singer just calls "my wife." And that, although the planned wedding has just burst ...

You made a request to Marion two years ago. Are you married now?

Jürgen Milski: No! We did not marry.

How so?

Jürgen Milski: We were afraid that we would marry and change so much that we split up. Therefore, we have assembled again and decided to leave the nonsense.

Why did you apply for it after more than 30 years?

Jürgen Milski: I wanted to tell Marion once more that I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her. I'm not a romantic at all. That's why she reacted quite funny at first.

How come?

Jürgen Milski: She was totally shocked! She asked me in all seriousness what ideas I come up with (laughs). But still she said "yes".

Until the back came ...

Jürgen Milski: Exactly! But after all, a marriage certificate is just a piece of paper and no guarantee for happiness. That's why we decided to just go on living as before.

How do you manage to be happy after 35 years?

Jürgen Milski: Our secret recipe is that we both let ourselves be as we are. Each of us lives his life. And yet we live together. Many couples do everything together so that they have nothing to talk about in the evening. That's terrible!

What are you doing differently?

Jürgen Milski: My wife and I make sure that we leave enough free space. We also have our own circles of friends. I think that is important!

What is luxury for you?

Jürgen Milski: We go to eat every Sunday. Then my wife does not need to cook. But otherwise I am not interested in luxury. It is most important to me that my family is well and that I can finance my daughter with a good education.

What is your daughter doing?

Jürgen Milski: She is now 22 years old and studies international tourism management. She graduated so well that she could even study medicine. I would have preferred that. But after much thought, she decided against it.

How proud are you of her daughter?

Jürgen Milski: Damn proud! She and Marion are the most important thing in my life.

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