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Alyssa Milano gave birth to a girl

Star Birth: Alyssa Milano

Her spokesperson officially announced the birth on September 4, 2014: Alyssa Milano has become a mother for the second time.

Alyssa Milano birth
Photo: If
  1. Update October 29, 2014: Alyssa MIlano introduces her daughter
  2. Update, September 8, 2014, 10:15 am: Alyssa Milano posts first baby picture
  3. Alyssa Milano gets a cute girl
After her now three-year-old son Milo, she gave birth to a girl. Now she presented the little girl on a cute still photo of the public.

Update October 29, 2014: Alyssa MIlano introduces her daughter

In a sweeter way, Alyssa Milano could not have presented her seven-week-old daughter Elizabella to the public, especially as she shared an important message with the October 28 private photo (@milano_alyssa on Instagram): she nurses her baby to give him the best To make a start in life. The little one looks completely peaceful and happy, and oh so cute!

Update, September 8, 2014, 10:15 am: Alyssa Milano posts first baby picture

Ui, how cute! Not two weeks have passed since the birth of little Elizabella Dylan Bugliari and now Mama Alyssa Milano showed her daughter the first time to the public. Well, not quite - but only part of it! On September 6, 2014, she posted a photo (@milano_alyssa) on Instagram titled: "Milo Meets His Baby Sister for the First Time."

The picture shows Elizabella's legs and her brother Milo's arms holding her tenderly and lovingly. Nice! The sweet snapshot increases the tension on a real picture of Alyssa Milano's daughter only in the immeasurable. We are really looking forward to see how the little girl really looks like and if she is more like Mama Alyssa or Papa David Bugliari.

Alyssa Milano gets a cute girl

With this birth announcement was already longer expected: In the past weeks, Alyssa Milano showed with a mighty big belly. Since August 28, her daughter is now here, as a week later was officially confirmed.

The baby names of the stars reveals the gallery!

In the name of the actress and her husband David Bugliari made a really nice sounding choice: Elizabella Dylan Bugliari is the name of the little girl who was born 3490 grams and 49.5 centimeters in length.

The children of Alyssa Milano can celebrate birthday together in the future: Their son Milo was born on August 31, 2011. For his third birthday, his mom published a cute throwback photo (@milano_alyssa on Instagram), but did not include a photo of her new arrival.

So big is the babybump by Alicia Keys meanwhile!
