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When men make-up - the video

Man, are you beautiful - or not? What happens when men try make-up for the first time?
Photo: Screenshot / YouTube

Long live the little difference

Is now one of the last beauty barriers? Men try out how the full load feels like make-up - in order to better understand women. The result: a very funny YouTube video!

Do you remember, girls? It all began with footballer David Beckham. Suddenly "man" paid attention to his appearance, taking care and creaming what Tube and Tiegel gave. Demand for men's beauty boomed - and continues to grow. Clear that the cosmetics industry has recognized this trend and gives men what they want. Are we all the same now?

The fact that this is definitely NOT the case, proves this funny YouTube video by Buzzfeed, in which five men by a professional make-up artist get the full beauty program missed. The men are less enthusiastic about their fifty-fifty transformations. "Women are beautiful, " says one of the participants. "Men are hairy, rough monsters." Another compares the experience with "the less painful version of the dentist's visit." Men, you have no idea!

We think: The result is above all very funny to watch!

Fits: 20 beauty products that men NEVER UNDERSTAND >>

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