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Editor'S Choice

US detainee Jeremy Meeks: But not so hot?

Photo: Twitter / Woody & Jim

Second photo disenchanted the heart (ver) breaker

A few days ago, Jeremy Meeks' captive photo enchanted the women's world. A second snapshot now causes disillusionment ...

Hardly anyone missed this photo this past week: Jeremy Meeks' mugshot, which was arrested in the US for illegal possession of weapons, spread like wildfire through the Internet in just a few hours.

The ice-blue eyes, the full lips and the striking facial features made the ladies' world particularly excited. This was followed by expressions of love and numerous wishes from women who would also like to be robbed by this man once or would be willing to go to prison for one night voluntarily.

At the same time, those who did not succumb to Meeks let their creativity run free, devouring in scientific papers why we are so attracted to dangerous men, or making photomontages on which the hot prisoner poses as a model for labels like Calvin Klein.

After the official police photo but now makes another picture in the round, on which Jeremy Meeks has lost some appeal. With tired eyes, gold teeth and a rather smiled smile, he is much less seductive. To say he was ugly is certainly exaggerated. But maybe we should remember not to judge people with a single photo - or to idolize them right away. True to the motto: Just because you look good on your police photo does not mean that you're really a hot guy!

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