Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Tray with modeled ornaments

  • 1 small wooden tray (craft shop, about 8 )
  • Acrylic paint in pigeon blue (craft shop)
  • soft, self-adhesive modeling clay (z.

      From efco; about 4.- €; Craft store)
    • Ornamental / stucco molds (eg from efco; craft shop)
    • Hot glue gun and hot glue
    • brush

    1. Paint the tray with blue acrylic paint and let it dry.

    2. Press the modeling clay into the molds and allow to dry.

    3. Press well-hardened ornaments from the molds and glue them to the tray with hot glue.

    Tip: If the tray is to become completely waterproof, it can be varnished with clear varnish before attaching the ornaments.

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