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"A woman can be attractive even with a few wrinkles"

Sybille and Werner Mang have been very happy with each other for over 34 years
Photo: Getty Images

Germany's most famous beauty surgeon Werner Mang:

Many women dream of eternal youth, of beauty that never fades. But what is possible, what makes sense? Germany's most famous beauty surgeon, Professor Werner Mang, knows the answer, speaks plain text in his new book "Misleaded Beauty". In conversation with NEUE POST, Prof. Mang tells how he thinks as a doctor and as a private person.

Prof. Mang, why did you write this book?

Werner Mang : I am now 60 years old and a beauty surgeon for 30 years. When you've seen as much as me, you're wondering about the meaning of life - and the meaning of beauty surgery.

At what end did you come?

Werner Mang : Reasonable beauty surgery yes - beauty mania no. I condemn these sprayed-up lips, the smooth-drawn faces that are common in America.

Similarly, I reject ridiculous operations in which ribs are cut out so that the waist is narrow. I warn against such interventions! A woman who has a few wrinkles, but dresses attractively, can still be very beautiful at 60 and older.

Very important is a positive charisma, because beauty alone does not make you happy!

But why do men leave their wives for much younger ones?

Werner Mang : That is probably due to the hunting instinct of the man. But over time, a young woman goes to the older man's alarm clock. She is much more vital and has very different interests.

How long have you been with your wife?

Werner Mang: We got to know each other in 1975, she was 17, I was 27. Ten years later we got married.

What do you love most about your wife?

Werner Mang: She is very understanding, smart and strong. Much stronger than me. She has wonderfully raised our children, is a great housewife and wife.

I could never imagine letting her down because of a younger woman.

Have you never been tempted?

Werner Mang: The will to keep together in good and bad times is not an empty promise for me. Love is the most precious beauty that can happen to us humans.

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