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Street dog Arthur fights home in the 700-kilometer race

Arthur and his new owner
Photo: Krister Göransson / Peak Performance
  1. Streuner follows extreme athletes hundreds of kilometers
  2. Arthur fights his way through the jungle of Ecuador
  3. The dog, the best friend of man

Streuner follows extreme athletes hundreds of kilometers

Extreme encounter: In a 700 kilometer race, a team of Swedish extreme athletes runs a street dog.

Actually, the extreme Swedish athlete Mikael Lindnord wanted to become outdoor world champion at a race in Ecuador . Instead of a new title, he came back with a street dog .

Swedish extreme athlete Mikael Lindnord and his team stop at the most difficult stage of the race as a stray dog ​​approaches them. Mikael feeds the neglected, injured animal with a meatball.

Arthur fights his way through the jungle of Ecuador

As the troop moves on, the dog follows them. Despite bleeding injuries, he takes the extreme strain of the Ecuadorian jungle on himself and stays close to his new friends on the heels. The baptize the brave animal therefore "Arthur" - after the brave, English king.

From then on, all canned meals are generously shared with Arthur. When one of the team members falls ill, Arthur watches over the injured until there is medical attention. Nevertheless, the team finally has to part with Arthur: The last leg of the race, a 59km kayak ride is too exhausting, too dangerous to take the dog. Arthur has to stay ashore, the team breaks up without him.

The dog, the best friend of man

Arthur, however, does not shake off. When he notices that his pack continues without him, he follows the athletes to the water. The team pulls the dog fighting against the current on the kayak and wraps it in a track jacket. Arthur is now officially a new member.

And he stays that way. When the athletes finally finish the last stage, not only do they return to Sweden; Arthur is also going to Sweden. The loyal animal has finally found a home with Mikael and his family.

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