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Stefanie Heinzmann: 'Concert cancellation was the best decision'

Stefanie Heinzmann does not regret having canceled her tour in December

Stefanie Heinzmann

Stefanie Heinzmann / ©

The 'Stefan is looking for the superstar, who should sing what he wants and like to perform on RTL' winner had in January in a Berlin hospital edema of the vocal cords remove. The worst decision I had to make was to cancel my tour, but in retrospect it was the best decision, "she reveals to the" Main-Spitze'.Seit 20 April she may again stand on stage and perform their songs ('My Man Is a Mean Man', 'Roots to Grow'). Singing is almost no problem for her even though she communicated cards in February. The Popröhre is happy: "We are currently on the road and have already done a couple of concerts, two hours of singing - of course, this goes unnoticed by my voice over, but thanks to the OP, I'm fine." Only because of Stefan Raab The 21-year-old participated in the casting show 'SSDSDSSWEMUGABRTLAD'. She does not regret her participation in any way, although in the beginning she feels a bit thrown into the cold water. "Now I'm allowed to ride the bus from one city to the next with the coolest band in the world ... it could not be any better, but this life - with band and on tour - was not there in the beginning new and I had to get to know it all first, "said Heinzmann.Außerdem the sympathetic singer has already had the honor to part, with Lionel Richie, Joss Stone and Gentlemen to be allowed to sing. Even the drummer of Metallica, Lars Ulrich, she already met privately. "I can not imagine anything better than that, which is probably hard to beat, I have to say, I'm a lucky guy, " enthuses Heinzmann.

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