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Worst Tinder Date of all time - for all live on Twitter

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For us, the horror date of the year

The search for the man for life is not a picnic. But hard work. Especially in times of Tinder & Co. This shows above all this first date, which we all live on Twitter witnessed (and included) could be.

In everything we know about the following appointment, we ask ourselves: How can you really endure such a horror date without taking serious emotional damage. And without doing any serious harm, so physical. Sure, we had a bad meeting with a guy before. But was yours so bad that the woman at the next table shared it live on Twitter ? Just.

That's what happened in a New York restaurant. Twitter user Carrie Mantha found herself on Tuesday evening next to the said date from hell again. And instead of keeping her thoughts about the love affair at the next table, she pulled out her smartphone and tweeted on it. And her posts became a viral hit. According to, Carrie Mantha started tweeting because "that was exactly what her friends would have found funny if she had been there." Your friends - and many, many other people on the net!

The disagreeable thing about the date was not the lack of chemistry between the couple, it was the man in himself whose lack of tact not only struck Carrie Mantha, but the entire restaurant. Read for yourself - but a little warning in advance: this Tinder Date is right, really embarrassing!

It all starts when Carrie Mantha notices the couple next to her for the first time:

Sitting next to the most obnoxious Tinder couple ever. Dude is a 40-something trust baby who seems normal but inexplicably into him

- Carrie Mantha (@ CarrieMantha) November 12, 2014

"I'm sitting right next to the most obnoxious Tinder couple ever, the guy is a fifty-four trust fund baby, the girl seems normal, but inexplicably she seems to like him."

Dude: "So I said 'I do not have time to wait; I have a biz to run.'" Girl: "What biz is that?" Dude: "the business of enjoying my life"

- Carrie Mantha (@ CarrieMantha) November 12, 2014

Type: "So I said I do not have time to wait, I have a business that needs running."

Girl: "What business is that?"

Type: "The business to enjoy my life"

Dude just casually admitted it's his 3rd Tinder date OF THE DAY. Girl seems strangely amused, couple on the other side hilariously appalled

- Carrie Mantha (@ CarrieMantha) November 12, 2014

"The guy has just admitted that this is his third Tinder date of DES TAG, which seems to amuse the girl strangely enough, the other side is funnily horrified."

Oh God, he just said "Theoretically I should be offering for my daughter, but really my parents do that." Girl looks slightly confused

- Carrie Mantha (@ CarrieMantha) November 12, 2014

"Oh god, he just said 'Theoretically, I should take care of my daughter, but in reality my parents do that.' The girl looks a bit confused. "

Girl: "Have you been to Africa?" Dude: "I use to go on safari with my family, but that's how you get ebola - eating lion brains & stuff."

- Carrie Mantha (@ CarrieMantha) November 12, 2014

Girl: "Have you ever been to Africa?"

Type: "We used to go on safari with the family, but that's how you get Ebola - eat brains and stuff."

Oh lord ... "Do you have any like old samurai swords that have been in your family for centuries?" (Girl is Asian) #cringing

- Carrie Mantha (@ CarrieMantha) November 12, 2014

"Oh my gosh ..." Do you have any old samurai swords that have belonged to your family for centuries? " (The girl is Asian) #sharp "

Mr. Tinder comes in next. I have talked to the beard into alerting me when Mr. Tinder comes in next.

- Carrie Mantha (@ CarrieMantha) November 12, 2014

"The date seems to be quite informal, folks, but good news: I've talked to the bartender, he's supposed to let me know as soon as Mr. Tinder shows up."

Worst Tinder Date ALL TIMES! And that was just a small excerpt. The full history can be found on Twitter @CarrieMantha.

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