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Cracked hands


Cracked hands: definition, causes and symptoms

Cracked hands often occur, especially in cold and dry conditions . In most cases this is completely harmless and not a cause for concern. It is rare that it is an eczema that requires medical attention. The skin on the hands tense, shows redness and is brittle.

Cracked hands: treatment

The painful little skin tears can easily be counteracted. For example, a chamomile hand bath brings cracked hands a quick relief: Two tablespoons of chamomile flowers (or a teabag chamomile) with boiling water, cover a few minutes covered, hands bathed for ten to 15 minutes in it. Dry well and rub with hand cream . Cracked hands love Bepanthol and moisturizes .

Cracked hands: prevention and self-help

Especially in the cold season you should prevent your hands at least twice a day with a rich hand cream (drugstore or pharmacy). Even after washing your hands, creaming your hands is helpful and prevents it from drying out. Gloves should always be worn outside in winter, which also prevents the hands becoming brittle and cracked.

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