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Guiding Video: Happy Father's Day, Mom

These children of single mothers thank their mothers for Father's Day

In the US on June 21, 2015 Father's Day. An opportunity for these people to thank their mothers. Your mothers? Yes! For a touching reason.

Not even the eyes of the protagonists stay dry.

The people in the video above are all children of single mothers. And how it is: the insight into what their mothers have actually done for them in all these years comes only years later. Often only in adulthood.

In the video, a woman says that her mother actually worked for two to raise her and her sister.

A man tells how his mother raised him and his two brothers, three boys, all by himself. "I do not know how to raise three boys - with such grace." ("I do not know how she managed to raise three guys - with so much goodness.") She even gave them tips to defend herself in a fight. He puts it in a nutshell: "She really is the most amazing mother but she really is an incredible father." ("She's a really impressive mom, but she really was an incredible dad.")

The fact that the video originated from a toilet paper company, is surprising - but the creators of the video manage to connect even there: In flashes we see the words: "Some days she has to be softer, some days she has to be stronger, but every day she has to be both. " ("Some days she had to be gentler, some stronger, but every day she has to be both.")

The video is currently extremely successful in the US: Although it has only been one day online, it already has over 60, 000 views. And rightly so, we find, and wipe a tear from our cheeks - yes, maybe even exceptionally with some toilet paper.

Also interesting:

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In the US on June 21, 2015 Father's Day. An opportunity for these people to thank their mothers. Your mothers? Yes! For a touching reason.
