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Price comparison: These foods have become more expensive!

Food has become on average seven percent more expensive
Photo: Digital press, fotolia

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After work in the supermarket once again get an apple juice, peanuts for the TV evening and the breakfast cereal. Not too big a purchase, but it can be really expensive. What many have already assumed subjectively, namely, that everything has become more expensive somehow true.

As early as January 2011, the "Federal Association of the German Food Industry" ("BVE") announced a "moderate" price increase. This has been going on since 2005, but only now could consumers feel it right. The "Bild" newspaper has carried out a price comparison with the specialist information service "Preiszeiger". The results are shocking. On average, the articles have become seven percent more expensive. The most extreme price increase is with frozen chips and that is 43%!

But what are the causes of increasingly expensive food?

Jürgen Abraham, the chairman of the "BVE" told "Bild": "Food manufacturers are suffering from rising packaging and energy costs as well as skyrocketing commodity prices. Cause are both crop failures and the rising demand for food because of the growing world population. "In international price comparison, especially the prices of raw materials such as wheat, sugar, corn, coffee, cocoa, fats and oils have risen.

These price increases would have to be passed on to the customers. Abraham also sees further price increases for the future.

The "Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg" recommends constantly watching prices and accessing special offers.

In the picture gallery we collected the concrete price increases for you.

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