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Editor'S Choice

Mother's Day: plate decoration

  • Cardboard in violet
  • Wrapping paper with stripes
  • little white sign with inscription "Today is your day!"
  • Glue stick (eg

      from Pritt)
    • Raspberries or sour rubber drops
    • Wave edge scissors
    • scissors
    • Variant:
    • pink satin cord
    • napkin

    1. Cut a rectangle of about 8 x 6 cm with the cardboard card shears.

    2. Fold cardboard in the center, so that you get a folding sign of 6 x 4 cm.

    3. Cut out of wrapping paper a rectangle of 3 x 5 cm and stick it in the center of the flap.

    4. Cut the lettering and stick it in the middle as well.

    5. Place the shield in the center of the plate and place a heart of drops or raspberries around the shield.


    Tie a cord around the napkin, insert the cutlery and put the sign on it. Put a wreath of flowers around the plate.
