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Nipple alarm at Nicki Minaj

TV station reprimanded for involuntary nude appearance of Nicki Minaj

nicki minaj performance 050811

Nicki Minaj / ©

They are always welcome, the clothes of the stars, where they accidentally show more than they wanted. For most, at least, there is a real mishap behind it, even if one recently wondered at the nipple mishaps of Khloe Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez, if not a little intention and PR strategy was behind it. Now Nicki Minaj slipped out too while performing on the TV program "Good Morning America". We had to ask her witty, yet ultra-thin outfit, what her stylist had actually thought. Even before her nipple jumped out of the bra, the rapper was constantly busy to avoid the mishap and zzurchücken the top. Despite delaying transmission ABC could not hide the bare facts Racer acted but not Nicki Minaj himself, the a little embarrassing seemed touched, but the involuntary meat show largely ignored. TV channel ABC beamed their performance with five seconds of delay and should have been able to actually cut out the scenes. This view is at least the disgruntled "Parents Television Council", which watches with eagle eyes, what the American kids get to see. We find it half as bad and show you better in our breakdown gallery, who else happened.SE

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