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Gallbladder inflammation: definition, causes and symptoms

Gallbladder inflammation is a painful and dangerous infection. But how does gallbladder inflammation actually develop? The gallbladder is a small organ below the liver. Their most important task is to help with the breakdown of hard-to-digest dietary fats with the help of bile acids. Certain substances in the bile acid, for example cholesterol, may solidify into small stones. If they irritate the wall of the bladder or block their drainage, gallbladder inflammation occurs.

Less commonly, gallbladder inflammation is triggered by injury, surgery, pregnancy, arthritis, or blood poisoning . Star gall bladder infection is life-threatening because it can spread to other organs. Then a quick operation is necessary. The symptoms of gallbladder inflammation gradually increase over several days. Gallbladder inflammation causes abdominal pain, bloating, loss of appetite, fever and nausea. In some cases of gallbladder inflammation, the skin turns yellow. When the doctor scans the area under the ribs, many patients with gallbladder infection experience pain .

Gallbladder inflammation: treatment

The treatment of gallbladder inflammation depends on what triggered the gallbladder inflammation. For stone disease, surgical removal of the gallbladder is usually advisable, as otherwise gallbladder inflammation may occur at any time. Fortunately, the body can do without the gallbladder. The bile is then released directly from the liver into the digestive tract. However, should be paid to digestible food.

Gallbladder inflammation: prevention and self-help

Lots of exercise and varied mixed diet with little meat, fat, salt - and many vegetables reduce the risk of gallbladder inflammation. In addition, you should reduce excess weight (but no crash diets!), Reduce alcohol consumption and daily drink at least two liters (water, fruit, herbal and urine or water-diluted fruit juices). This too can prevent gallbladder inflammation. Also make sure that the cholesterol level is low. Herbal remedies such as Royal Artichoke, Dandelion and Javan Turmeric are also beneficial to bile. Butterbur facilitates the natural excretion of kidney semolina (as drops, capsules or teas in the pharmacy).
