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Men10 penile problems every man knows

Penis problem: Because men have no complexes. When things get hot between us, there is one (or other) thing that they think about.

Because of men have no problems: so their penis bothers them.
Photo: iStock

Hands up, who does not know them, this uncertainty that spreads when we undress before sex and have nothing to hide behind? Actually, we know that any thought of cellulite, too small breasts or broad thighs is unnecessary when we have sex, because if HE did not find us sexy the way we are, we would not be naked next to him. Nevertheless, sometimes we do not come up against our complexes and it is good to know that it's not just us girls. Even our boys have their problems when they drop their covers.

And dear men since calmed down: everything is quite normal. And just as for us girls applies: in sex, we have to do something better anyway, as to pay attention to mere externalities, right?

10 penile problems every man knows

1. He is not exactly straight

For most men, the penis is a bit crooked. Reason for this: In the penis, there are a total of three cavernous bodies, which fill with an arousal with blood and ensure that the penis becomes stiff. However, not all erectile tissue are the same size, so that the penis bends in the direction of the smallest body of the body.

2. He gets wet during foreplay

... that too is completely normal. When aroused, the penis produces a secretion that later makes it easier to penetrate the vagina during sex. The longer the prelude lasts, the more is produced by this pre-ejaculate.

3. He is pink / blue / purple

Penises change their color when stimulated with an increased supply of blood. This is nothing else than embarrassment and getting a red head and not bad at all. On the contrary: That colorful is really 'in', we already know the rainbow and unicorn hype.

4. He suddenly itches

By now, most men have found that waxing and shaving are not just for us girls. Rubbing the irritated skin on underwear, or sweating, irritated skin can begin to scratch it.

5. He has pimples and red spots

This too is a consequence of shaving: when pubic hair grows in, pimples and pustules can form. But warts, syphilis and genital herpes can also experience similar symptoms. In case of doubt always go to the doctor!

6. He suddenly becomes stiff

Sounds strange, but it is normal: Men can also be subconsciously excited, for example, by a distinctive fragrance. On the other hand, then only waiting will help. Forcing the penis downwards is not a good idea, because it can break in the worst case.

7. He is too small

Most men worry about size. Completely unnecessary, because of the mere 'in and out' are the fewest women anyway. There are quite different possibilities ...

8. He just drunk what he wants

Because alcohol is a nerve poison, it also affects the penis and can make erections difficult. Therefore, do not drink too much on a hot date.

9. He can not pee in public

Allegedly, one in 10 men suffers from a pee-blockade in public. Can we not blame the boys, such a urinal would be nothing for us.

10. ... and if it does, the ray goes wrong

Man (n) is aiming straight and still the beam goes to the left? This is because the opening may be blocked by other bodily fluids, and is not uncommon after sex.

Also interesting:

Penis care: What to do if he is spitting?

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