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Man publishes funny list of all things that make his wife cry

Women sometimes cry inexplicably
Photo: iStock

She cries when she has a hangover and sees a piggy picture

Some women are really very sensitive and cry at every little thing. Now a man has published a funny list of things that make his wife cry. Do you recognize yourself there?

Many women are built pretty close to the water. Sometimes they just cry because the world is so beautiful. Or sometimes because she is cruel. That can sometimes fluctuate.

Man publishes list

Now a man has published a funny list of things that make his wife cry. Some of them are very sweet, for example, she cries when she takes her hand in an unexpected moment. But she also cries when she has a hangover and sees a piggy picture. Do you feel the same? What would your list look like?

On the man's list are those reasons that make his wife cry:

  • She finds out that swans can be gay and finds it touching
  • She has a hangover and sees a picture of a piggy
  • I wait until it gets dark and pretend to be the Babadook (Ghost from a Horror Movie)
  • A fluffy rabbit escapes an Arctic fox in a documentary
  • There are no more biscuits in the house
  • She remembers again that swans can be gay
  • I take her hand if she did not expect it
  • I cook her a meal after a long day
  • She sees a video about a dog
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