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Editor'S Choice

Italian pasta salad - with rocket

Photo: iStock

Pasta salad

Dried tomatoes, crunchy arugula and fine parmesan - this summer we are looking forward to a very special pasta salad, an Italian pasta salad .

Pasta salad can anyone? Right! But hardly anyone tastes as much after vacation as this Italian pasta salad . No heavy mayonnaise and no dull tangerine mandarin, but a light vinegar oil dressing and many Mediterranean ingredients - so the summer tastes!

We enjoy our Italian pasta salad at the next barbecue or the local balcony. And crown our Italian evening with a piece of tiramisu. A summery treat!


Ingredients (4 people)

300 g noodles, 2 shallots, 2 tomatoes, 4 tbsp dark balsamic vinegar, salt, black pepper, sugar, 4 tbsp olive oil, 1 small bunch of rocket, 1/2 bunch of basil, 150 g of dried tomatoes in oil, 50 g of Parmesan cheese


1. Prepare noodles in boiling salted water according to the package instructions. Peel the shallots and finely dice. Wash, clean and quarter the tomatoes. Remove cores. Finely chop the flesh. Season the vinegar with salt, pepper and sugar. Drip oil in drops. Mix in the tomato and shallot cubes.

2. Wash the ruffle and basil and shake dry. Peel the basil leaves, finely chop them and place in the vinaigrette. Drain the noodles, fry cold. Drain dried tomatoes in a colander. Halve tomatoes if necessary and mix with the vinaigrette and the noodles. Approximately Let it rest for 10 minutes.

3. Season the salad with salt, pepper and sugar. Plane parmesan. Remove leftover basil leaves and rocket from the salad and serve on plates. Sprinkle with parmesan slicer.

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