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Cancer drama!

Fortunately, Christian Lais can laugh again - even if he will never forget the bad illness
Photo: Sony BMG / Sascha Kramer

Christian Lais

The singer had to be silent for three months! He almost lost his voice ...

For more than thirty years, Christian Lais (46) has worked to become famous as a singer. His big dream came true in 2008! With the song "You forgive to forgive" he landed the most successful radio hit of the year.

The trained office clerk finally stood before his long-awaited goal. For the first time in his life he was in demand as an artist like never before. But then something happened that he had not expected at all. In his neck a tumor was discovered. Behind the vocal cords! "I felt paralyzed when I heard the word tumor, " recalls Christian Lais.

A disaster for the singer. For months, Christian Lais had to live with the onerous uncertainty of losing his voice. And until today, a year after the cancer drama, the fear accompanies him that the terrible disease could break out again at any time.

"It all started quite harmless, " says Christian Lais after his celebrated appearance in Florian Silbereisen's ARD show "Winterfest der Träume" at NEUE POST. "I was hoarse and my doctor thought it was a virus, but the hoarseness did not go away even after weeks of antibiotics and inhalations."

Christian Lais sought advice from a second doctor. There he received the bad diagnosis in January 2009, which was to change his life from one day to the next. Christian Lais: "I thought: Oh God, now it's all over! My career - my life - everything!"

One week later Christian Lais expected the next shock in the Freiburg University Clinic: "The doctor told me that I can not speak for three months after the operation, otherwise I would risk losing my voice forever."

The following weeks of silence were hell for the singer. Despair, helplessness and fear left him awake all night long. If I wanted something, I had to write everything down on slips of paper - without the help of my family, I would not have survived that terrible time - my wonderful mother Christa was there for me around the clock, "says the singer. who lives as a single in Kandern (Black Forest), now full of gratitude.

After three months of silence, the great moment came for the pop star. Christian Lais: "My doctor gave me a friendly look: 'Well, say something!' With tears in my eyes, I carefully brought out the first words, the voice was back, clear and full, the feeling was indescribable to me! "

After one year of vocal training, Christian Lais is doing well again today. But he still takes the risk of cancer seriously. "I get checked every few months, so my tumor was discovered at an early stage finally saved me."

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