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King Albert of Belgium: tax gift for the 79th birthday

King Albert and Queen Paola of Belgium can look forward to a sumptuous budget money ...
Photo: AFP / Getty Images

Now taxes have to be paid

This is truly a lavish 79th birthday gift: King Albert of Belgium, as ruling monarch, is the only one of the Belgian royals to be exempt from tax.

Yesterday a change in the law was passed in Belgium, which is historical: The royal house has to pay taxes, so the decision. All members - with the exception of King Albert - are now required to pay tax on their salaries.

The law does not allow a change in the finances of the king, so he continues to receive the full 11.5 million euros annually.

With his sons, however, things are different. Crown Prince Philippe (53) currently receives an annual salary of 923, 000 euros from the state. In future, however, only a base salary of 180, 000 euros is due, which is fully taxable, reports the "Expatica". However, expenses that directly serve his duty as Crown Prince are not taxable.

Princess Astrid (51) and Prince Laurent (49) will receive a salary of 90, 000 euros. Queen Fabiola (84), the widow of King Baudouin, is currently the hardest hit. Only this year, her salary was reduced from 1.4 million euros to 923, 000 euros. Now she should also pay taxes.

Queen Fabiola is already under criticism anyway. She announced that she wanted to build a foundation to financially support her nephews and Catholic charity after her death. This angered the Belgians, who saw in it an attempt to transfer state funds to Fabiola's Spanish relatives.

The Belgian royals must save in any case. In the future, even only the heir to the throne should receive financial subsidies. Gloomy times for Erbchleicher ...

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