Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Training: Who is worth something for?

Fit for the dream job: Frauke Wille, an expert from the Federal Employment Agency, says who is worth the offer for.


Other computer programs or machines - in most industries, there's nothing new.

Learn for life
Photo: Andres Rodriguez, Fotolia

Re-entrants always have to learn.

It pays off : The Employment Agency and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK, phone: 01 80/1 00 28 62) offer "full-time (full-time) and part-time (hourly)" re-entry "courses, for example MS Office and Business -English. Language skills can be improved well with e-learning (Internet courses) or distance learning.

Tip: Stay in touch with colleagues so you can find out what's new or different.

Here's how it's funded : The Employment Agency promotes many trainings, seminars and courses lasting up to twelve weeks, pays course fees, travel expenses, study materials. By the way: Childcare costs are subsidized with 130 euros per month!


Anyone who can not find a job in the nearby profession can retrain or learn new things in courses and seminars.

It pays off : In the field of wellness / health there are many interesting careers for women: wellness trainer (works for example in sports hotels, puts together wellness packages) or specialist in social and health care (for example in hospitals, coordinates health programs). Retraining provider: IHK or IST-Studieninstitut GmbH (Phone: 0800 - 478 08 00).

Further education in a skilled job is worthwhile in the field of craftsmanship - as a specialist in the craft industry or industrial master. Advice and courses are offered by the Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (telephone: 030 - 20 61 90) or by initiatives such as the Rhineland-Palatinate Action

Here's how it's funded : There are educational certificates from the Employment Agency, so you can pay course fees, travel expenses, study materials. Check in advance: How popular is the job I'm retraining for? From the labor market situation (are there vacancies?) It depends on whether one is being promoted.


If you feel under-challenged in the job, you can continue to qualify next to the job.

It pays off : completing secondary school leaving certificates (school leaving certificate) at evening schools or by external examinations. Provider: Adult education centers, private educational institutions such as the Studiengemeinschaft Darmstadt (Telelon: 06157-80 60). Many companies offer post-employment training, such as English, computer courses, online training. Ask in the personnel department.

How it is financed : Some companies take over or contribute to costs. Especially if the new knowledge can be applied directly in the job (on new software, machines). State funding options: BAföG and training credits (Information: Education Administration Office, Telephone: 0221-75 80) In addition, you can deduct course fees as "income-related expenses" from the tax. (Information: Lohnsteuerhilfevereine, Telephone: 06321-490 10 or the responsible tax office).

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