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Video: The oldest yoga teacher in the world

Photo: Screenshot YouTube / Barcroft TV

Wisdom of a 96-year-olds

Tao Porchon Lynch is 96 years old and the oldest yoga teacher in the world. With her fitness and positive attitude to life she inspires us all.

If you see Tao Porchon Lynch in the video below, you probably will not believe it as much as we do: but this woman is actually 96 years old! But as fit and agile as people who are decades younger than they are. Tao's fitness secrets? Dancing and yoga.

Tao Porchon Lynch has been working as a professional yoga teacher for 56 years. That's why in 2012, she became the oldest yoga teacher in the world and was included in the Guinness Book of World Records. In a YouTube video from BarcroftTV, Tao now showed that nothing has changed in her flexibility since then. The 96-year-old is as fit as ever.

For her students, the yoga teacher is a source of inspiration. In the video, they call the woman's energy "overwhelming". One of Tao's yoga students even says, "In fact, I think she's younger than I. She's very inspiring."

Who in the video sees how the 96-year-old Tao can move, will not contradict it. It is the epitome of strength and health.

The yoga teacher, who discovered dancing at the age of 85, is filled with joy and optimism. Her advice to those who want to lead a long and happy life: "I live every day as if he could be the best of my life."

You also want to try yoga? Then find out which type of yoga suits you best.
