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Every day in a good mood!

Tips for a good mood

Goodbye pessimism! Let positive thoughts in your life - every day anew.

1. Today is a good day - to fulfill your dreams

Do not always say, "Later!" Whether it's playing sports, playing the piano or dieting - start today, even if it's just a first small step. The day mantra gives you the power to do so.

2. Today is a good day - to put pressure on zero

Stay relaxed! Whether love or success - nothing can be forced. Tell yourself, "What should be, will be." And let things come to you. What you really want often comes on its own.

3. Today is a good day - to be a fat Buddha

Do not go crazy constantly and keep calm. Whether annoying neighbor, naughty lover or nagging boss - close your eyes and keep telling yourself: "Nothing stays as it is" and sit it out. At some point, everything is "ex".

4. Today is a good day - to pamper yourself

Be well and insert the "gentle cycle". Eat what you feel like, meet people you really like, just do something good. You are your best friend today!

5. Today is a good day - for little escapes

Take a break and close the diary. Jogging, biking, skating - listen to your feelings! Forget for a while the mountain work or give the tasks to be done witty names. Everything is easier with a smile.

6. Today is a good day - to attract attention

Do everything stylishly today: Write letters with pen or style yourself head to toe ladylike. Tell yourself: "I do it my way"!

7. Today is a good day - to live intensively

"Carpe diem!" Enjoy the day as if it were the last. Do not always say "sometime", but "if not now, when?"

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