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Jasmin Wagner: Press spokeswoman for the 'Boomerang' movement

Blümchen had no idea about the anti-'DSDS 'campaign

Jasmin Wagner

Jasmin Wagner / ©

So much luck is already abnormal: In the past week, Jasmin Wagner was not only allowed to celebrate her 30th birthday and her 15th anniversary as a flower. The curly singer is now looking forward to a chart comeback with her age-old song 'Boomerang'. If that's too much of a good thing, think quickly, behind it put a smart PR-Schachzug.Doch the former pop star denies this vehemently and asserts its ignorance. "I really do not know who came up with this campaign, the person has not contacted me yet, " said the open 'DSDS' opponent ''. "I would support the whole initiative if it was not a song of mine - I love this form of civil disobedience - having become the press spokeswoman for the Boomerang movement, I feel like campaigning." Via social networking Sites such as Facebook and StudiVZ had teamed up with opponents of the casting show 'Deutschland sucht den Superstar' to prevent 'Do not Believe', the winning song of new superstar Mehrzad Marashi (29), from conquering the charts. In the course of this, they demanded to promote Blümchens song 'Boomerang' from 1996 to the chart throne. This plan worked - the singer's song lived up to its name and returned to the top of the hit parade. As a flower, Wagner does not want to return, despite chart success. "I'm a grown-up singer and actress who used to use the pseudonym Blümchen when I was a teenager, I've lost the pop star attitude and today I'm not shouting into the crowd, 'Are you in a good mood, where are your hands?'"
